Tuesday 1 September 2009

No fun for small churches in Putin's Russia

One of the most controversial figures – well known to the hundreds of religious minority groups in Eastern Europe – Alexander Dvorkin has been appointed Chairman of the Justice Department’s “Commission for the Implementation of State Expertise on Religious Science”.

Furthermore. Dvorkin has also been elected vice-president of the "European Federation of Research Centers for Information about Sects" (FECRIS). His range of attack includes not just Jehovah Witnesses, Scientology, the Hare Krishna community, Falun Gong or the Unification Church.  Alexander Dvorkin has been known to fight Christian groups, such as the Baptists, Pentecostals and many other Christian churches which have been growing impressively during the last two decades in the post communist era.
Read full text of commentary ...


  1. Europe, except for the Netherlands, has never had a cultural history with the understanding of the value of the separation of religion and state developed enough to appreciate its role in cultural legitimacy in a free and pluralistic society.

    I was visiting with party leaders at the institute of Marxism-Leninism during the glasnost period. They clearly saw a threat of the rise of the old orthodox state church. Hence, when they knew communism was dead they tried to mute the power of the orthodox church by establishing religious freedom. They did this for pragmatic reasons, not realizing the inherent value of an open society for national prosperity and government legitimacy.

    The present system will require force to compel people to believe in official truth, and eventually a police state is the logical conclusion of this behavior. The next stage after that for the Roman Empire was collapse and dark ages.

    Russians were hoping to create a new society, but I'm afraid they could end back up where they were before the Communist Revolution. Only this time instead of the Tsars, they would have a new ruling class--a new nomenklatura.
